Wazifa for All problum

By | August 17, 2019

It is first important to begin by understanding a few things about the spa industry. In Diagonal Report’s 2010 USA Spa Market report, the size of the spa market in 2009 was a $15.

5 billion dollar industry. According to ISPA’s 2010 industry report, spa consumers made 143 million visits to 20,600 spas across the US. While these numbers show a decline from the previous year (in both reports with contradictory figures) we must remember that 2009 was very different from today.

With a stabilizing economy and consumers becoming more aware of the benefits of receiving spa treatments, these numbers are only expected to grow. Diagonal Reports points out that the spa industry will start to see a 1.5% upturn in 2011 which most spas are seeing more than that with some reporting 15% or more.

The spa industry has experienced exponential growth since 1999 when there were only 4,140 spa businesses serving $4.2 billion dollars spread over 4.2 million visits. If we relate the spa market to the leisure industry, it falls in 4th place behind Golf, Health and Racquet Clubs and Cruise Lines.