The Tale of the Wise Pigeons and the Cunning Crow

By | October 17, 2023

Once upon a time in a field, a flock of beautiful white pigeons were happily pecking at grains when suddenly, a crow landed nearby. Upon seeing the pigeons, the crow couldn’t help but chuckle. Astonished, the pigeons inquired, “Why do you laugh at our helplessness?

The crow replied, “Every morning, your owner releases you from his dovecote, leaving you in this field. He has even clipped your wings, rendering you unable to fly far or eat anything beyond these grains. Sometimes, you become easy prey for cats, and other times, you are devoured by eagles.”

The pigeons, intrigued, asked the crow, “Tell us, what can we do to attain the freedom and happiness you seem to have?”

With a sly grin, the crow contemplated and then said, “There are four tasks to accomplish. First, I shall become your leader. Second, you need to learn my cunning ways. Third, you must change your pristine white feathers to black. And finally, you must solemnly promise never to eat grains ever again.”

The pigeons huddled together, seeking each other’s counsel, and eventually, they agreed to the crow’s conditions. The crow, with a sense of achievement, led the pigeons, and they followed him.

The crow collected a vial of black ink from a nearby house and used it to dye the pigeons’ feathers black. Within moments, the once white pigeons had transformed into black ones. One pigeon asked the crow, “We accept you as our leader, but tell us, what is the next step?”

The crow, relishing his newfound authority, replied, “The next step is to find food and eat. Follow me.” They proceeded further and soon encountered a murky waterhole. The crow announced, “Behold, water for bathing and drinking! Let’s have some fun.”

The pigeons, however, recoiled at the stench emanating from the filthy water. One pigeon protested, “We have never used such dirty water for bathing or drinking.”

The crow, undeterred, responded, “This is your first step towards freedom. Clean water is not as precious as the independence you will gain. Besides, didn’t you promise to heed my every command?

The Tale of the Wise Pigeons and the Cunning Crow

Feeling trapped, the pigeons reluctantly entered the contaminated water, trying to wash themselves. After a while, the crow led them away. They resumed their journey.

The Tale of the Wise Pigeons and the Cunning Crow

Eventually, they reached a desolate area where they encountered a group of young boys carrying slingshots and stones. The crow addressed them, “Brothers, it’s time to eat. The food is right here.” The pigeons, still adapting to their new reality, hesitated.