Hazrat Isa (AS) went on a journey with one of his disciples

By | April 7, 2023

While Mary was praying in the temple, an angel in the form of a man appeared before her. Filled with terror, she tried to flee, praying: “Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (Allah) from you, if you do fear Allah.”

(The angel) said: “I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.”

She said: “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?”

He said: “So (it will be), your Lord said: That is easy for me (Allah): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allah). Quran Ayah 19:18-21

The Brith of Jesus

The angel’s visit caused Mary great anxiety, which increased as the months went by. How could she face giving birth to a child without having a husband? Later, she felt life kicking inside her. With a heavy heart, she left the temple and went to Nazareth, the city in which she had been born where she settled in a simple farm house to avoid the public.

Hazrat Isa (AS) went on a journey with one of his disciples

But fear and anxiety did not leave her. She was from a noble and pious family. Her father had not been an evil man nor was her mother an impure woman. How could she prevent tongues from wagging about her honor?

Hazrat Isa (AS) went on a journey with one of his disciples