One Day a Thief Have A Wallet On The Way

By | November 12, 2022

There are so many ways that a thief with some tech know-how can steal your identifying information. Methods like hacking, data breaches, internet takeover, phishing, spoofing, and scams can make the digital landscape a veritable privacy minefield. Unfortunately, the threat from “old fashioned” low-tech criminals is still every bit as real.

One of the most readily available sources of personal information is your purse or wallet, and a thief can do plenty with the contents. Your credit cards, debit cards, checkbook, and home information can give a criminal valuable material to work with, especially in terms of making a quick buck through account fraud.

But what else was in that wallet? Your driver’s license? Your Social Security card? Your health insurance card?

On their own, each of those items doesn’t necessarily lead to identity theft, but when combined, they can cause a lot of problems.

When it comes to your Social Security card, never carry it around with you. This is the one piece of information that can lead to identity theft since it can be used to open a wide array of new accounts. If you need your card, such as to sign paperwork at your new job, simply get it out of your safely stored documents and bring it with you. Remember to put it back in its place immediately once you no longer need it.

One Day a Thief Have A Wallet On The Way