22 years ago today, a student of MA English in Punjab University

By | October 6, 2022

In its judgement, the Lahore High Court ordered the university to pay Rs800,000 in damages to Wajiha Arooj, 38, who had sued the university for damaging her reputation.

Arooj had sought action against the university almost two decades ago when an error brought her disrepute and impacted the course of her life.

While studying for her master’s degree in English at the university, Arooj was wrongly marked absent for an exam and told that she had failed.

Following the error, one university official’s suggestion to Arooj’s father that he was unaware of his daughter’s “activities” triggered gossip and speculation within the university campus and inside her home.

“Even my mother looked at me in a strange way, with doubt in her eyes,” Arooj said, speaking to the BBC.

Arooj recalled that while her classmates’ taunts made it difficult for her to face them, her family refused to let her attend evening classes at the university.

“Gossiping in the classroom, they would mockingly say that one can go anywhere on the pretext of taking an exam. And they would make sure that I could hear them,” Arooj said.

“At one point I was so distressed I even considered committing suicide,” she added.

Following the incident, her family, fearing for her reputation, had married her off and Arooj moved to Canada with her husband. Her dreams of finishing her education and starting a career never came true.

An MA English student, Wajeha Arooj, made a very interesting case on the university