2. If you put something down temporarily, say it out loud. (“I’ve put my phone on the dresser.”)
“This engages many more areas of the brain (particularly the language centers) which creates a richer memory and makes it less likely you’ll forget where you put it.” —makestypos
“I’ll also say it out loud when I turn off stove burners, blow out a candle, or unplug my hair straightener. I’ve found this helps me eliminate those moments where I leave the house or am in bed and I’m suddenly like, ‘Did I leave that on?'” —plasticruester
3. Buy anything you need for the kitchen — plates, glasses, pans — from a kitchen supply store.
4. If you have a spare minute at home, always take a few seconds to just pet your dog or cat and really appreciate them.
“A phrase I heard somewhere has really stuck with me: Pets are only a part of your life but you are your pet’s entire life.” —amanda30697
5. If you have trouble making a decision, flip a coin. While you’re waiting to get the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants.
6. If you want to wear something white or light in color, wear underwear that matches the color of your skin, not white.