Homemade Tips for Keeping Children Healthy

By | May 5, 2022

This week, our one year old stars daycare. It’s a bittersweet transition that feels very exciting and just a little sad (I’ll be fine, I promise). As both Acupuncturist and Mom, I feel both extremely ready and not ready for the potential germ onslaught. Daycare toddlers, on average, get sick 8-12 times in their first year of daycare!

The good news: being exposed to germs early on will strengthen your little one’s immune systems so that they endure less sick days in the future. And, our daycare toddler will force us to be more diligent than ever to stay on top of our self-care and diet! I have a gazillion tools in my toolkit for keeping my family (and yours!) healthy. Sometimes I forget that, and get lost in the anxiety thinking about how many times she will get a cold and if she is doomed to be a booger face forever.

So, I write this article for myself and for you, as a reminder that there are MANY easy and effective ways we can stay healthy, even in the face of daycare germs. If we do get sick, these natural remedies will help to lessen the severity of the symptoms and promote a quick recovery. And of course, these recommendations are in addition to the basics: wash your hands, get good rest, stay hydrated, and control cross-contamination.

Here are 7 safe and natural home remedies to keep your family and your toddler healthy when daycare begins (because these are at-home remedies, acupuncture is not on this list- but, it is my #1 go-to for preventative care and to treat stubborn cold symptoms):


This tasty immune-enhancing fruit can be enjoyed by the entire family! Elderberry helps prevent and relieve cold and flu symptoms. The fruit is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C and packed with healing antioxidants. During cold and flu season, I recommend taking the syrup preventatively. My one year old loves its sweet and tangy flavor and will eat it by the spoonful!

Elderberry can also be prepared as a supplement, lozenge, or herbal tea. For a fever, I recommend diluting the syrup in a glass of water to stay hydrated and to break the fever more effectively. To shorten the duration of flu symptoms, elderberry is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours. Bonus: elderberry combines well with honey! Yum!

Homemade Tips for Keeping Children Healthy