With unlimited access to information at our fingertips at any given moment, it can be hard to keep up. Sometimes, the constant noise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle can even seem unescapable. The good news—which we could all use right about now—is that some things are worth knowing a lot more than others. From practical tips to tidbits that can help you out a your cocktail party,
or virtual happy hour, here are 50 facts everyone should know. So read on to feel your quality of life rise.Believe it or not, that little ball of cotton that comes in your bottle of pills,
which is there to keep pills safe during shipping, is meant to be removed. It can collect moisture because of its absorbent nature, which makes your pills deteriorate faster.
Assuming you want to tip 20 percent for good service, move the decimal point one digit to the left and then double that number. It’s that easy! For example,
if a bill is for $35.50, you move the decimal to the left, which gives you $3.55. Double that number, and you’ve got $7.10—a 20 percent tip calculated in seconds.