I Feel Very Dizzy And My Legs Get Tired

By | November 22, 2021

Tired legs are a fairly common symptom with a variety of underlying factors. You may have an increased risk for tired legs if you’re female, overweight, or older. Tired legs can also occur in people who regularly sit or stand for extended periods of time.

Read on to learn more about this symptom, including common causes and treatments.

8 causes for tired legs

A variety of factors can cause tired legs. Tired legs may be accompanied by pain, soreness, or cramping. Tired legs aren’t usually a cause for concern, but it’s still important to pay attention to your body when tiredness occurs. This is especially so if you have other symptoms.

Here are some possible causes for tired legs:

1. Overuse

If you’ve recently used your legs more than normal, they may feel tired. Make sure you’re getting enough rest and working within the limits of your body. This will help you avoid stress, strain, and injury.

If you frequently use your legs while working, take plenty of breaks throughout the day.

2. Underuse

Not using your legs can also cause leg tiredness. If you have to sit for extended periods, make a point to stand and be active for at least five minutes every hour.

If you’re spending an extended amount of time in bed, do simple leg-raising exercises and stretches each hour. Elevate your legs on pillows.

3. Muscle cramps

Overuse of your legs can lead to muscle cramps. Muscle cramps can cause your legs to feel tired.

Allow your legs and body plenty of time to rest until your symptoms subside. See your doctor if cramping becomes severe. Here are more ways to stop leg muscle cramps.

I feel very dizzy and my legs get tired