Advantages and disadvantages of fruits

By | August 11, 2021

Food is one of the basic needs of the human body to stay alive. Fruits are a vital part of food that provides vitamins, potassium, fiber, folate, calcium, iron and other minerals to our body. If we desire to live healthily and fit we have to append fruits in our daily lives.

Fruits are natural and they can be used to cure many swear diseases like heart diseases, blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, diarrhea, body infection, and other major diseases.

Fruits are not only used to cure harmful diseases but they are very effective for skin beauty because they give freshness and beauty to our skin and provide protection to our skin from sun and skin infections. Fruits are also very good for eyes, tooth whitening, and hair growth.

Every fruit has its own color and taste. Some people like sweet fruits and others like acid fruits.People who do not eat fruits may face many problems like eyesight problems, skin infection, lack of energy, hair fall, and other major diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of fruits
Advantages and disadvantages of fruits