I Don’t Want Equal Rights

By | May 31, 2021

Do women really want equality? It’s a question I think every one of us needs to ask ourselves. Because frankly I don’t think many of us do, not real equality anyways.

Feminists would have us believe that life is so much worse for women than men, that we are weak and the “patriarchy” is against us, and therefore we deserve all sorts of programs and benefits just to be on a level playing field with men. But the plain fact is: here in the West, we have it pretty great. In many ways better than men. And if we really took a look at men’s lives, we might realize that.

Most of us don’t want to pay half the bill on dates, we don’t want to work dirty and dangerous jobs, we don’t want to be drafted if there was a war, we don’t have to prove to a court that our children need us after divorce, and we don’t want to serve as unpaid bodyguard or be the first one to go downstairs when we hear a strange noise… and luckily for us, we don’t have to!

Because men do these things. Voluntarily. Every day. They don’t ask for a “thank you” because it is so built-into them to give, to serve. And, although it may surprise some readers, men do these things because they love women. They are doing these things for us so we might love them back.

I don't want equal rights