Want to feel raw masculine energy coursing through your veins? Maybe you have an important date tonight.Maybe you have an important project to complete.Maybe you want to bring back the spark to the bedroom.Whatever your reason, levelling up your masculine energy is simple when you know how to do it properly.
Certain activities encourage your masculine to thrive much more than others.Professional boxers have specific habits that they implement in the moments leading up to a fight that get them in peak mental condition to win. And I would wager
(the science is still out on this particular example) that fighters who shadowbox to their favourite AC/DC song are going to fare better than the opponent that is playing guitar and singing lullabies.
By encouraging your masculine energy to grow you will feel increased drive, focus, libido, and will find yourself overcoming challenges in your life like you never thought possible.
Here are eight powerful exercises to increase your masculine energy.