It is extremely important to have a grip over things. Else, you will end up messed up forever. Unless you set clearly defined boundaries well within time, you will lose all control – of the house as well as of your own self.
I have been married for a while, and know a thing or two about how to deal with in laws living with you. Being a mental health awareness crusader, I am also on the lookout for any woman who feels neglected because of negativity around her. All thanks to stereotyping of us by society after marriage.
I share a kind of bitter-sweet relationship with my husband’s family. Hence, I’d like to honestly share my learning, acquired after staying with in laws, in the hope to help fellow women. After all, we are all in this together.
So let us hold hands and hear each other out. If you have anything to ask or share, feel free to post your comments at the end of this post.
Life surely changes after marriage – at least for most of us. Not only do we embrace that change but make an effort to accept this change willingly.