Islamabad: December and January are characterized by two things in Pakistan: weddings and the flu. By now, it just seems like everyone here is either attending a wedding or wrapped up in bed with hoards of used tissues around them. Flu symptoms can cause a world of misery, from fever and cough to sore throat, nasal congestion, aches, and chills. But hey, we’re here to make it easier for you!

You can get a cold by touching your eyes or nose after you touch surfaces with cold germs on them. You can also inhale the germs. Symptoms usually begin 2 or 3 days after infection and last 2 to 14 days. Washing your hands and staying away from people with colds will help you avoid colds. Compiled from Times of India, here are some quick, easy, and cost-effective ways to get rid of that flu just in time for the next big wedding.
1. Bottoms up!
The flu can severely dehydrate you, especially when accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, so it’s important to consume fluids. Start with fruit juices rich in Vitamin C and if you’re not feeling up to the tangy taste, water will also do. Just stay away from caffeinated drinks as caffeine is a diuretic.
Other than this, chicken soup, herbal teas, and warm milk are good options too. A particularly strong remedy is Golden Milk or haldi doodh as we call it in Pakistan. Just boil a glass of milk with a pinch of turmeric in it and it’ll clear up those sinuses in no time!
2. Be a couch potato
Now, we know you really have to show face at your friend’s last dance practice but listen to your body! If it’s urging you to spend all day in bed, yo