Many people tend to think that Meditation, with a capital M came to us from the mysterious Orient, and with all sorts of religious or mystic overtones. In reality, meditation has been taught, and practiced, in many forms in many cultures, and, in actuality, is more common than most people think.
It is also easier than most believe, to get started and continue as a lifelong practice as well.
While there are many things that the beginner may want to know about meditation, I’ve decided to discuss the following three common misconceptions about meditation which may prevent someone from giving it a try.
1. It’s difficult to learn
2. You’ve got to be an expert to benefit
3..It’s a mystical or religious practice
This is NOT intended to be an instruction on HOW to meditate, but, I hope by the end of this short article you will be encouraged to learn more about the practice and enjoy many of the benefits of meditation.
1. Is meditation difficult to learn?
Well, there’s a certain degree of difficulty to learning most things, but, I believe that whether it is easy or difficult to learn for the individual, the benefits make it worth the effort. Having said that, however, I want you to understand that, while each person may have greater or lesser difficulty in learning to meditate, most will find, that, with a little guidance and practice, they will soon be experiencing the benefits of meditation.
Part of the confusion lies in peoples’ understanding, or misunderstanding, of what meditating entails.
Essentially you put yourself into a state in which your consciousness is suspended, at least somewhat, and your subconscious is allowed to sift and sort through situations and problems, often arriving at conclusions or solutions, or, at least, suggesting further avenues of study or investigation.