11 Employee Reward Ideas Working Moms Actually Want

By | August 17, 2024

Studies over the past year agree: Nobody shouldered the burden of the pandemic like working moms. In addition to performing 72.6% more unpaid childcare in the home than men, women’s jobs have been 1.8x more vulnerable than men’s jobs in the COVID-19 pandemic. Which means any company (rightfully) concerned about burnout among working mothers should take action — and with Mother’s Day around the corner, employee reward ideas for working moms are a great first step.

So this Mother’s Day, give extra love to the mothers in your workplace with these 11 employee reward ideas for working moms.

10 employee reward ideas for working moms

1. Sleep

Look, cutesy Pinterest-inspired clay handprints are fine, but if you want an employee reward that gives a lady life in the most literal way, give her the gift of sleep. Create custom employee rewards like subscriptions to white noise apps or meditation apps. Or, create a sweet dreams custom swag basket branded with your logo, including a sleep masklavender essential oils, and ear plugs. Want to go above and beyond? Get her spouse to agree to field the kids for a night while she gets a solid night’s sleep.

2. Outsource chores with TaskRabbit

Second only to sleep? The gift of time. Working moms never have enough! Add vouchers for chore services like TaskRabbit to your employee rewards catalog so your working moms can cash in for a little time back in their days.

3. Meal kit subscription service

It’s 2021, but average working mothers are still doing — let’s be real — the bulk of the domestic work at home. This includes planning and preparing meals for the family. So put a little more time and energy on her plate by offering meal kit subscriptions through your employee rewards program. This saves working parents the work of planning, shopping, and prep without having to sacrifice healthy meals.

4. Yoga pass

On the subject of treating herself — encourage mothers in your workforce to treat themselves right with yoga passes or studio subscriptions. Yoga has been demonstrated to improve physical and mental health — two things working mothers often let fall to the back burner as they prioritize care for their children, families, and coworkers.

5. Flowers

Look, you can’t go wrong here. Flowers are a classic way to brighten up a room and lift a tired heart. Want to avoid cliche? Search for options to put in your employee rewards catalog that allow for customized bouquets so she or her loved ones can select her favorite flowers (or even a cute succulent). What not to do? Unless she’s a self-professed green thumb, avoid picking out live orchids or garden kits. She’s already got plenty to take care of.

Mother's service reward